Your seven Black Hawk County public libraries are coming together to bring Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to our community in partnership with the Cedar Falls Community Foundation. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, quality books to children from birth until age five.
If you live in Black Hawk County and have a child under age 5, you can sign them up to receive a FREE book every month. Register your child online via the registration link below! Or, by printing off the attached registration form at the bottom of the page and returning it to the library.
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library's online registration is not avaible during the book order process, which happens on the 1st of every month. Please wait until the following day to register.
Donors can give to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Fund held at the Cedar Falls Community Foundation to help support this project. Just $25 dollars provides one book per month for one child for a whole year. A donation of $125 provides monthly books for one child from birth until they turn five years old. All funds raised locally stay in the community and directly purchase books for local children. You can donate to the project using the link below.
>You can donate online by clicking here! or through the Imagination Library Website: Donate to Dolly Parton's Imagination Library and choose Black Hawk County as the 'Imagination Library affilate".
We thank the many citizens and civic groups of Black Hawk County for their ongoing support!
Since launching in 1995, the Imagination Library has become the preeminent, international early childhood book-gifting program. The flagship program of the The Dollywood Foundation has mailed well over 100 million free books in Australia, Canada, The Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom and the United States. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library mails more that 1.4 million high-quality age-appropriate books each month to registered children from birth to age five. Dolly envisioned creating a lifelong love of reading, inspiring them to dream. The impact of the program has been widely researched and results suggest positive increase in key early childhood literacy metrics. Penguin Random House is the exclusive publisher for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
For more information, please visit
Frequently Asked Questions
- How long does it take to start receiving books?
- How do I know if my child was accepted into the program?
- Address Change
- I was told my local Imagination Library is closing because of lack of funds. Why doesn’t Dolly do something about this or just give them the money they need to keep this program going?
- Why is this not available in my area?
- I have twins, will they always receive the same books each month?
- Are the books age appropriate?
- Do all children receive the same books?
- I’m expecting our baby in 6 months, when can I sign them up?
- How do I get my login information?
Local Articles:
Black Hawk County libraries raising funds for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library | News |